Ambition without knowledge is like a boat on dry land. If you truly want to set sail and reach your goal of Cisco certification, you will need several keys to help you reach it. In order to gain the knowledge required to pass the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) exam, you have to familiarize yourself with various mediums of information. But, before that let us gets the basic right:
1. What is CISCO Exam and what does it cover?
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) certification is designed to ensure proficiency and skills to operate, troubleshoot, and install a small enterprise branch network, including basic network security. The CCNA exam validates ability in various fields such as: routing and switching essentials, scaling networks, and connecting networks, and introduction to networks.
CCNA training program certifies aptitude and expertise in the areas of: Network Technician, Support Engineer, Network Administrator, and Network Engineer. uCertify provides CCNA study guide for CCNA-200-120 exam or ICND1-100-101 and ICND2-200-101 exam.
2. When Do Exams Expire?
The exams that you need to get your Associate, Professional, and CCENT certifications have expiration dates of 3 years after each exam was successfully completed. The expiration date is not the same for the Specialist certification exams, however. These exams are only good for 2 years after each exam was successfully completed.
3. How long is the CCNA exam and in how many ways can I get the CCNA Certification?
Cisco’s website state the exam consists of 50 – 60 questions to be answered within 90 minutes. There are 2 ways to achieve this certification:
- By taking two exams ICND-1 100-101 and ICND-2 200-101
- By taking only one CCNA 200-120 exam
4. How many points will I get for one sim?
Well, Cisco doesn’t tell how many points you will get for each correctly solved sim but, you will get from 80 to 100 points for each sim. Be careful with the sims and try to write all the commands on paper many times before taking this exam, as there are considerable deductions.
5. How To Pass Your Exams In Time Every Time?
uCertify can help you to pass your exams in time every time. uCertify uses content from well-known publishers, instructors, and subject matter experts. Learners can do Flashcards, Exercises, Quizzes and Labs related to each chapter. At the end of every lesson, uCertify courses guide the learners on the path they should follow. uCertify platform supports 50+ different types of interactive activities, connect the idea, or try it yourself lab activities embedded throughout its course. These interactive activities keep learners engaged and makes learning fun. It is one stop solution that helps you from the planning stage and leads you to the success.